The goals of the BSM Program have not changed much over the years, but how we’ve tried to accomplish them has varied considerably. Indeed, the continuing dynamism of the Hungarian political and social environment has kept us on our toes.

What are the Goals for BSM?

  • To provide highly motivated North American undergraduate students of mathematics an opportunity to experience the mathematical as well as the general culture of Hungary. To accomplish this it is important to:
    • Attract the best Hungarian mathematicians to teach in the Program. (Traditionally these mathematicians hold positions at the Mathematical Institute or Eötvös University).
    • Attract North American students who are serious about mathematics, likely to benefit from the experience of mathematics Hungarian style, and who are excited about experiencing the intercultural adventure of living in Budapest.
  • To offer housing and living conditions which will be safe and which will embed the students in the larger Hungarian culture.
  • To provide an academic environment concomitant with North American student expectations, including library and internet access.